Natural Balance Studio

Each person has different conditions, lifestyles, and habits. Let’s find the exercise that fits your needs and create a peaceful mind and healthy body that brings you more satisfaction in life.

Lessons are available to the public

□ Services:
 ■ Group lessons
   Therapeutic yoga, functional roller pilates, gentle tai chi
 ■ Private lessons
   Available for 1 person or more, lessons will be tailored to suit you or your group.
 ■ Personal session
   Exercise for things you want to improve, such as posture and walking.
*For details or questions, please contact us by phone or at the reception desk.
*available through appointment only. Please make an appointment in advance.

Instructor: Ai Katase

Health Exercise Instructor, Preventative Exercise Advisor, Functional Roller Pilates Master Trainer, Certified Yoga Teacher
Location 3rd floor of the New Building
Phone 03-3280-1861
Hours 9:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday-Saturday
Open on Tuesday to Saturday
